Saturday, October 13, 2012

Dog Treats.

Have you ever looked at the ingredients on the box or bag of dog food or treats you pick up at the store?   Dog food and treats are being recalled often, due to contamination.  One rule we try to live by is that if you can't pronounce the name of the ingredient, should you really eat it?  Well the same applies for your pets.  Dog treats can be made very easily with pretty basic ingredients that you would possible have on hand.  You won't have to worry about large amounts of sodium.  You control the ingredients.   Here is a simple recipe for Peanut Butter Apple Dog Treats that our dogs just love.  The way I look at it, we save money and have healthier dogs while we do it.

Peanut Butter Apple Dog Treats.

1/2 cup powdered milk
3/4 cup peanut butter
1 egg
1 large apple
1teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup white flour

Start by pealing the apple, chop put them in a microwave safe bowl with just enough water to cover the apple and microwave on high until they are soft and you can mash it with a fork. This could be done on the stove as well.  Mix the remainder of the ingredients with a fork, or a pastry knife.  I used my hand.  Add the apple and just enough water to make it workable but very stiff.  Roll out to 1/2 inch thick cut with a cookie cutter or use a knife.  This could also be rolled into balls and fattened to 1/2 inch thick.  Bake in a 350 oven for 30 to 40 minutes.  The time you bake them will depend on the size of the treat you have made.  Once they are starting to change color on the edges they are ready to transfer to a dehydrator.  If you don't have a dehydrator turn the temperature down on your oven to 200 degrees and bake an additional hour.  The treats should be very hard, this helps to clean you dogs teeth as they eat them.    The fun things about making your own dog treats is you can add vegetables if you like.  I will be making some with pumpkin in them next, with a little cinnamon for the season.  Try some today, Your dog will love you for it. 

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