Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Welcome to our blog.

The Goplin blog Moving to sustainability was set  up to keep you informed of our progress to become more sustainable.  Moving to sustainability for us includes being more Eco-friendly and to live well for less.

We have always been pretty conscious of the environment and before you know it your budget is beyond your resources.  Steve and I find mutual interest in living more naturally, some may say old fashioned or Red neck, but that's OK.    Life isn't about who has the most at life's end, but who has enjoyed the life they lived. 

The place we call home is in a small house, on 4.5 acres in Northern Minnesota.  June of 2012 was the start of our quest to sustainability, and our life together.    The trellis pictured above is where we said our vows in our back yard.  It was made from trees that fell from a late spring snow storm.  It just made sense to us to continue with the recycle, reuse and live for less. 

This is a photo of what we harvested from the garden at our father's on August 21, 2012.  Boy was that spaghetti squash good, we had it with Alfredo sauce.  We canned 9 pints of carrots from this harvest.  We also juiced beets, carrots and apples together, sounds like an odd combination, but it is good. 

 Couldn't resist had to add some pictures of those odd shaped carrots, they may look odd but boy are they tasty.

Growing your own food is one of the prime ways to save on your food bill.  We realize not everyone has the room for a garden, use pots. 

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