Thursday, August 23, 2012

More views of our gardens

Both of these pictures the one above and below are of our melons growing at our parents place.  Above are our muskmelon, we grew two varieties.  One is the size of a soft ball and boy did it produce well, the other is the average size of what you might see in a store.  The lower melons have a yellow center when they are ripe rather then a pink one.  Some of the melons below are weighing more then 15lbs each.  You may notice there is a red mulch under the melon's.  This red mulch keeps the soil warm and moist for the melon's to grown better.   We do live in Minnesota so the growing season is shorter.  This red mulch also reduces weeding and works for more then watermelon and can be use for more then one year.  This is the first time we have tried it but look for yourself the melon's seem to like it.  This lower picture also shows our small corn patch we had some trouble with raccoons, so most of our corn is now in the freezer.  I am glad most of it was ripe. 

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