Monday, September 3, 2012

Sour Apple Jelly

Sour Apple Jelly was made in the Goplin kitchen tonight.  I juiced together crab apples and a larger apple together, added sugar and now have jelly.  We had 11 cups of juice to which I added 71/2 cups of sugar, I boiled it to jell stage.  I was hoping to cut the amount of sugar in the recipe more, but the flavor was too sour.     The end product is very tasty.  I can't wait to try it on some fresh baked bread.  Yum.  We can here the lids pop as they seal, Steve is singing we have jelly we have jelly, jelly for the belly.    You would have to be here to get the full humor of it.

We have been praying for rain, the weather man keeps threatening it but no such luck yet.  I went over to the garden at my parent's place.  The plants would do so much better with a good rain.  

We had one of the Li'l sweet cantaloupe with our supper tonight, boy was it good.  I would definitely recommend this variety,  it produces softball size cantaloupe that are very sweet.  It is the perfect size for one or two. 

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