Friday, February 7, 2014

The pop can Solar heater update.

Many of you that have looked at our blog may be wondering how well our pop can solar heater did for us in 2012.  We compared our bills from 2011 to 2012 and we have saved $600.00 over all in the winter of 2012/2013.  We approached 2013 with our first tank of propane for the year already prepaid due to the amount we save.  Now with the cost of propane so high if you have a south facing window it is well worth giving a pop can solar heater a try.   

Those south facing windows are also a great place to grow plants during these very cold winter months.  Getting ready to start your plants for the summer.  Steve and I have been looking at trying some vertical gardens as well this year.  We will let you know how well that works for us. 

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