Sunday, September 9, 2012


Today Steve and I did the gathering part of the phrase, hunter gatherer. 
What you see here in this picture is only a small portion of what was harvested from the garden today.  In this picture we has cantaloupe, vegetable spaghetti, patty pan or scallop squash, tweety honey dew melon, desert king water melon, sugar baby watermelon, pumpkins, acorn squash,  potatoes, beets, and jalapeno peppers.   The cantaloupe and honey dew melons will be cut up and frozen for the months to come.  The pumpkins and squash will store in a cool dry place for a few months.  The peppers will be frozen if they are not turned into jalapeno poppers first.   The bucket of potatoes are small potatoes that work out great for caning into jars for that quick winter meal. 

The water melon  will last for a few weeks if we don't eat them before that.  We are also donating some of the melons to a local non-profit agency.  

In all Steve and I harvested about 45 vegetable spaghetti squash, 25 pumpkins, 7 acorn squash, 12 patty pan squash, 15 cantaloupe, 7 sugar baby water melon, 5 desert king water melon, 12 jalapeno peppers and a dozen beets.  My father handed us the bucket of small potatoes.     We put some of this harvest on the produce stand.  We have pumpkins that we had saved out for a few family members and friends.  What I mentioned here doesn't include smaller harvest that we have had and other times.    Yep I think we will eat well for a lot less,  help a few people, and sell a bit of what we harvested.    Did I mention we still have some in the gardens not yet harvested.

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