Saturday, September 8, 2012

Yellow Tomato Salsa

We grew some yellow pear tomatoes this year, before we new it we had more then we could eat before they started to get over ripe. 

I thought what the heck might as well try to make some salsa from them.  Just look at the color of the salsa, doesn't it look great with all those colors?  It tastes great as well. 
 I used a gallon of yellow pear tomatoes, washed and cut into pieces. 
4 medium size regular size tomatoes
 I add 3 Cayenne peppers,
5 jalapeno
 4 mild chillies pepper
6 sweet peppers (banana or bell peppers)
4 chopped medium size onions
 1/4 cup of cilantro
All peppers, onions, and tomatoes were chopped to a chunky size
 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
 1 teaspoon of canning salt
2 cloves of garlic
 1/4 cup of sugar.
I boiled everything together, I taste tested it to be sure it had the flavor I was looking for.  If it is too hot for your liking add more tomatoes and sweet peppers. I then put the hot salsa into sterile jars, added the lids and rings, then canned the salsa in our pressure caner at 5 pounds of pressure for 5 minutes. Salsa can be canned in a hot water bath for 10 minutes.  I have known of some recipes that state to put the lids on and since the salsa is hot when you put it in the jar the lids should seal without need for the caner.  I prefer to play it safe to insure a proper seal on the jars I use the caner. 
 I also canned green beans today.   Green bean are very easy to can.  Wash the beans and snap them into your desired size pieces.  Cold pack them into sterile jars 1/2 inch from the top of the jar, and 1/2 tsp of canning salt to each pint, cover with hot water.  Put your lids and rings on and cook in a pressure caner at 10 pounds of pressure for 20 minutes. 
A note to remember when caning your own food, be sure the rim of you jar is clean after you have filled your jars.  If you have anything that has dripped onto the rim it can affect the sealing of the jar.  Please be  sure to boil your jars for at least one minute to sterilize them before putting what ever you are canning in them.  I have heard some people say, well if I wash the jars that is good enough.  Nope not good enough, you want to kill all bacteria that may be in the jar, so why chance it boil them. 

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