Tuesday, April 26, 2016

It has been sometime since we posted any thing in our blog.
Today I felt the need to share a little bit of the beauty of Nature.
Sometimes we get so busy in our daily lives, that we forget to be thank full of the simple Things.
When you really open your eyes, you can see the simple beauty of nature.

We can learn a little from what we find. Above is a picture of a fireplace from long ago.
Below this plant survived in the harshest conditions. 

The Picture below was viewed inside of a cave, the rock is growing.
Sometimes all one needs to do is look up. 
Look up to the heavens God is painting some calming pictures.

Below the  is a picture of drift wood in the water,
look at the sparkles from what is left for some shells

The pine cone above was found hanging in an unsuspecting place.
Below the wave was caught  with droplets in the air.

Above is ice going out on a lake.
Cold but calming. Beautifully framed by nature.

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