Saturday, September 3, 2016

Take a moment to see the beauty God has created.

Most often in the world today it is hard to find the good in it. 
I few weeks ago I went up town. 
As I drove into town I witnessed a truck go 5 feet out of his driving lane  to hit a turtle that had crossed the road successfully.  Then once into town I had to shop for groceries for my work.  I then saw a man in the parking lot empty trash from his car and leave it in the grass next to his parking spot, rather then putting it into the trash can that was just 20 feet away.  This was followed up by me seeing a dresser placed on the curb.  I didn't think to much of this at first as many people will put their unwanted items near the curb for someone else to pick it up and reuse it.  Well this day it was different the person and sprayed it with black spray paint " I don't give anything away for free". 

Charities are seeing a drop in people that volunteer or give to the less fortunate.  Companies are finding it hard to fill job openings, as there are many people out there that feel they should not have to work for what they receive.  We have racial unrest, and drug abuse running ramped.
With all that in  our seemingly small town, it can be hard to see the positive things that are still out there in the world today.

But don't stop looking for it.

All lives matter, All people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
and that can begin with you.

Sometimes you can see Gods reminders as it is seen in the light that reflects off of a water fall.

Or as the moon shines through the clouds above a church reminding us to have faith.

It can been seen in the raindrops that stick to a rose.

Or in the smile of an old dog basking in some cold water on a hot day.

Show kindness to a stranger.
Help a person in need.
Surprise someone by paying for their meal at a restaurant or drive thru.
Volunteer, and give back.
Your one act of kindness could make a difference in someone's day, someone's life.

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