Saturday, August 25, 2012

Time in the gardens

I have to go spend some time in our gardens today, I thought I would take a moment to show you some more pictures of what they are looking like these days.   This is a picture of our pole beans.  I am always reminded of the nursery rhyme Jack and the bean stock when I look at it.  It stands about 10 feet high, and is finally producing beans.
The Picture below is of our garden at my parents house.  You can see the melons and the corn and some of the squash in this photo.

Here in this lower photo, you can see beets, carrots, egg plant, peppers, and squash.  The end of the garden, in this view has, spaghetti squash, pumpkins, and acorn squash.
Seeing how big the gardens are you are possible thinking, what on earth would just two people need that much food for.  Well we can it for the winter, we share it, and we also join my father in his produce stand and sell some of it.   Some of the food also goes to the local food shelf to help those in need. 
This picture to the left is of one of our apple trees. We took first place at the fair with our apples this year.  That is a cherry tree next to it.  The trellis we made from fallen trees has an apple tree on each side of it.  We have a total of 5 cherry trees and two plum trees growing in our yard.  This year Steve and I added two apricot trees, raspberries, gooseberries, blue berries and currents to our yard.  We also have asparagus, rhubarb, strawberries,  and chives.   Mother nature has provided with a abundance of wild raspberries and strawberries as well. 
We make syrup, jellies, sauces, preserves and jams from the fruit and berries.  We really like to mix some of the fruits together to come up with new flavors. 

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